Home Learning
Click on the following links to take you to some interesting sites
Please note that we always recommend parents to visit new websites together with their children to ensure their safety.
https://thekidshouldseethis.com/ - terrific informative website
https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/ - find things out...
https://play.ttrockstars.com/ - Your child has their own login
http://www.mathschase.com - times tables on line challenges
Oxford Owl - free activities to support your child's learning
Comic Strip Maker - make your own comic strips
Fun & Games in German - support your child's German lessons with these fun activities, all in German!
Google safe search for children
National Geographic for children
Excellent websites for curious minds!
Mathletics Sign In (Child has own log in details)
http://www.keybr.com (Touch Typing)
www.thinkuknow.co.uk (Internet Safety)
http://www.kidrex.org/ (Google Safe Search Site for Kids)
Would your child like to learn a musical instrument? The Oxfordshire County Music Service offer a variety of instruments and ensembles. Follow this link to their website www. Oxfordshire.gov.uk/musicinterest or alternatively call 01865 858270 for more information.
Art and Design and Technology
www.spatulatta.com (Cooking Website for Children)
www.artsconnected.org/toolkit/index.html (Learn about different artistic styles and techniques)
www.ldd.lego.com/en-gb (Lego Digital Designer)