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St Laurence Church Of England School

Courage - Respect - Curiosity

Thame Road, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 7DX


Headteacher's Welcome


Dear Parents

I feel incredibly proud to be Headteacher of our wonderful school. I work with a skilled and dedicated team, who know our children well and are passionate about giving children the best chances possible. 

Choosing a school for your child is probably one of the most important decisions you will have to make. As a Church of England school, St Laurence is committed to an ethos in which Christian values are lived into being. Our aim is for each member of the school community to be known as an individual and cared for as an individual.

We are a happy, caring school and we seek to enable every child to achieve as highly as possible in a great variety of ways. Our continuing commitment to further developing our vision and values, our pastoral care and the achievement of our pupils lies at the heart of our school as a Church of England School.

Through our website, we aim to provide a high degree of communication between school, parents and the community.  We hope you enjoy our website and find it interesting and informative. It cannot tell you everything about our school, but it will give you a good idea of the kind of education you can expect for your child. Please ask if you require further information.

Visitors to the School often comment on the happy atmosphere, the strong sense of community and the excellent relationship that exists between staff and pupils.  If you would like to experience this for yourself, please do contact us to arrange a visit.  I look forward to meeting you; we can assure you of a warm welcome.

Nicole Cooper



Welcome from the Chair of Governors


Hello, my name is Marc Carlucci, I'm the Chair of Governors at St Laurence CE Primary School. We are a small village Church school. We aspire to offer each child the opportunity to explore their individual strengths and emotions, develop a life-long love of learning and to become confident and respectful members of their community.
I've been part of the school community since 2010 when my first child joined the school. I have been an active member through the PFA, teaching Cycling proficiency and Parent Governor. As a business analyst. I understand the challenges the school needs to address to support the children within the government expectations and education best practices.
Our governing body is a committed group of volunteers who work with our dedicated staff to enable an exciting learning environment within an atmosphere of trust and friendship. The governing body is diverse, through our various skills and the support from ODST we aim to ensure clarity of vision and strategic direction through efficient monitoring of our resources and management.
The children are at the centre of everything we do. As Governors, we support and challenge the headteacher so that the decisions are made at a high standard to achieve the best outcomes for all the children.
For any questions or require further information, please contact me via email –
Marc Carlucci

Chair of Governors



Mission Statement

 Our school is a happy, welcoming community where everyone is encouraged

and committed to achieve their very best

within a Christian environment

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