At St Laurence CE Primary School, we embrace our mission statement:
‘Our school is a happy, welcoming community where everyone is encouraged and committed to achieve their very best within a Christian environment’
Our curriculum is intended to:
To acquire knowledge & skills effectively and show the courage to challenge ourselves to deepen our learning and understanding.
To receive and show respect and compassion towards others.
To provide a variety of engaging and hands-on learning experiences over a wide range of subjects to foster our curiosity in learning.
Our curriculum
We sequence learning based on teaching children the ‘knowledge how’, enabling children to approach and engage with subject-specific content using an ever-widening and ever-deepening level of skill. For example, children in Year 6 will engage with content on the Ancient Egyptians in a different way to children in Year 3. Children re-encounter skills each year building on previous learning and embedding knowledge in the long-term memory.
Reading is one of the skills that children learn to enable them to access the curriculum and the wider world!
At St Laurence, we promote and encourage a lifelong love of reading by developing an interest in and a love of books, encouraging children to become attentive listeners and independent and reflective readers.
Classrooms have well stocked and attractive book areas providing both a range of fiction and non-fiction texts, reflecting cultures and gender. The children have the opportunity to choose and borrow books from the school library bus to develop their enjoyment of reading. On all classroom and office doors you will find out what the adults in our school are reading!
Our curriculum encourages children to share their work and their learning with their parents and we try to conclude our topics with special afternoons hosted by the children who invite their parents and carers to take part in the learning. These sessions have been valuable and enjoyable for children, carers and teachers and a fantastic opportunity for the children to show off their creativity.
The full Curriculum Overview can be seen here.
Please click on the links below to see the Curriculum Overviews for 2024 – 2025.
Our curriculum overviews summarise the key aspects of work covered by each year group over a term.
Click on the links below to see the curriculum overviews for the Spring Term 4 2025