What does our Governing Body do?
Every school is required to have a Governing Body: our governing body is made up of volunteers from the local community, parents, the Headteacher and a staff member. Together we have a collective responsibility for making sure that all children in our school receive the best education possible in a safe, caring, and as a Church of England primary school, Christian environment. The Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school. The Governing Body is strategic, which means that we plan for the future and consider how the school can achieve its targets and aspirations.
Our full Governing Body meets every month throughout the academic year. We have only one separate committee for Pay which is chaired by Marc Carlucci. All other meetings are of the full board to ensure all governors can contribute fully to all aspects of the Board's work including holding the school to account, acting as a critical friend and championing the children in our school. At each meeting the governors look back at matters that have arisen from previous meetings and check whether these have been addressed and what has been the outcome.
Link to Full Governing Body Minutes:
To be fully involved in the life of the school, governors aim to visit the school whilst it is in full swing for formal occasions as well as informally. At times and with staff, we may speak with children about their experiences or visit classrooms to see some aspect of the School Development Plan in practice. We will also collect the views of our parents and carers, as well as information from performance data, attendance, the finances and external consultants so we are able to make informed evaluations and take appropriate actions to ensure our school is a great place for our children to be. These visits enable us to gain important background knowledge about the daily life and working of the school.
Involvement in the appointment of staff is an important aspect of being a governor and each interviewing panel aims to include at least one governor, working alongside staff to select the best staff for the school.
Being a school governor is a demanding but very rewarding role. We are all volunteers and give willingly of our time and abilities to support the school and help staff deliver the best possible education for every child.