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St Laurence Church Of England School

Courage - Respect - Curiosity

Thame Road, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 7DX




The school governors share responsibility for the school, provide links with parents and the local community, and support the staff and pupils. 

We are proud of the achievements of the school and its pupils.


The Governing Body is responsible for:

  • Establishing the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school
  • Holding the school to account by
  1. Ensuring that operational practice is aligned to clear policy statements, which are consistent with the school’s vision
  2. Monitoring progress trends, and contributing to the school’s self-evaluation through visits and stakeholder engagement
  • Managing the performance of the Headteacher
  • Ensuring financial probity by setting the budget, monitoring spending, ensuring value for money is obtained and ensuring risks to the school are managed
  • Ensuring that the school has identified what its Christian ethos means given its context and community, and that this is manifest in its culture, policies and practice


The term of office for all governors, except the headteacher and the ex officio foundation governor, is four years, but governors may serve more than one term. 

Any parent with a child at the school is eligible for nomination as a parent governor if they are not disqualified from the role.

You are able to contact the School Governors through the School Office either by email: or telephone: 01865 858270

Useful Governor Links:


National Governors' Association

Government School Data

Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board

Diocese of Oxford Governance








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