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St Laurence Church Of England School

Courage - Respect - Curiosity

Thame Road, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 7DX


School Values

Our School Values


Our Vision for St Laurence School is to:


Foster a lifelong love for learning by creating an exciting, challenging and nurturing environment which is accessible and enjoyable for all. 

Empower pupils to become confident, kind, well rounded and resilient individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential

in every aspect of their lives and to become responsible and compassionate members of the community.

Together we grow, learn, love and are loved.


It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth.

Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants,

with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.” Mark 4:30-32


Our Core Values

Achievement through:


Courage            To acquire knowledge and skills effectively and show the courage to challenge ourselves to deepen our learning and understanding.


Respect              To receive and show respect and compassion towards others.


Curiosity             To provide a variety of engaging and hands-on learning experiences over a wide range of subjects to foster our curiosity in learning.


Our Values 2024 - 2025

Link to St Laurence Church Warborough




Democracy – Everyone has a voice


The Rule of Law – A law put in place to ensure everyone is treated the same


Individual Liberty – Freedom to make our own choices


Mutual Respect and Tolerance for all – To celebrate diversity and treat everyone like we would like to be treated






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